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Kaori Strong
How do I apply?Email us at and you will be emailed an application form.
What textbooks do you use?For the beginner course, we use the Marugoto textbooks published by the Japan Foundation. They are published only in Japan so I order them in bulk and provide them to my students at cost ($55 CAD for a set of 2). If a student cannot pickup the textbooks, they can be mailed for the extra postal fee.
Do I have to commit for an entire semester?No. Payment for classes/lessons are made on a monthly basis and due by the first day of that month. A student may withdraw during a semester on 48 hours notice and any unused fees will be refunded.
Do you have free trial lessons?A student may pay for only the first class in advance, then if they decide to continue the course, pay the fee for the remaining classes in the month by the second class.
What happens if I miss a class?If you notify us at least 24 hours before the class starts by email or telephone, then the payment for that lesson can be credited for a future lesson. If we are not notified, the normal fee will apply to the missed lesson. The materials for the missed lesson will be emailed to you. If time permits, a private make-up lesson can be arranged.
Are classes held in Japanese only?The instructor uses Japanese as much as possible but some instructions and explanations are given in English when necessary. The textbooks are written in Japanese but there is always a Roman letter version on each page. Students are encouraged to learn hiragana and katakana quickly so that they can read and write in Japanese. Chinese characters (kanji) are slowly introduced.
How do I pay for classes?Payment for classes/lessons are made on a monthly basis and due by the first day of that month. Payment is to be made by Interac e-transfer for students in Canada. Students outside Canada are to pay through PayPal.
What if I apply after a semester has started?If scheduling permits, a late-starting student can take catch-up lessons either privately or with one or more other late-starting students. Once you catch up to the regular class, you will then merge into it.
If I already know some Japanese do I have to start with the beginner class?Based on how long you have studied before and a telephone conversation, you will be placed in the class that best matches your level.
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